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    Learn the 10000 most common words in French with flashcards using spaced repetition technique, for free and no signups! Build with Vue 3 and hosted in Cloudflare.

    PopMots Screenshot
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    Create your CVs quickly in both English and Spanish with this PWA that is built with Nuxt.js and TailwindCSS. Deployed on Netlify.

    CvFy screenshot
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    Firefox extension to save scroll position in a website. It makes easier to remember where you left your reading, mark important information, etc.

    Scrollmark extension used in browser
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    Multilingual responsive photography journal website built with Astro and Storyblok CMS.

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    An accessible carousel component for Astro that works by using browser navigation through the History API.

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    Multilingual JAMstack site built with Nuxt.js, Storyblok and Netlify. Increased web performance and SEO.

    TAyA Web
    TAyA website screenshot
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    PWA to create cute animal crossing characters. This app is made with Vue 3 and deployed on Netlify.

    AC: Character Maker
    Animal crossing character maker screenshot
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    This PWA let you know which critters are available by month in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It is built with Vue.js and AWS Amplify.

    ACNH: Search
    ACNH: Search screenshot
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    Get your household organized with this full-stack PWA. FamilyMe is made with Angular 9, Koa.js, MongoDB, and Heroku deployment.

    Family me screenshot
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    A music player coding challenge for Boream bootcamp using Angular 9 and Spotify API.

    Borify screenshot
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    Launch countdown timer challenge from Frontend Mentor built with TypeScript, SCSS and Vite.

    Launch Countdown
    Launch countdown screenshot
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    Rock-Paper-Scissors challenge from Frontend Mentor built with TypeScript, SCSS and Vite.

    Rock, Paper, Scissors
    Rock paper scissors screenshot
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    Multilingual responsive JAMstack website built with Nuxt, GSAP for animations and Storyblok as headless CMS. Deployed on Netlify.

    My Portfolio
    Claudia Benito website in dark mode